Autobiographical accounts
An autobiography is an account of a person’s life written by that person. It’s different to a biography, which is an account of a person’s life written by someone else.
An autobiographical account isn’t a complete autobiography. It’s a small bit of one, which represents a defining, important, or memorable part of your life. For instance, you might write an account of your first experiences playing a certain sport or musical instrument. You might write about an early childhood friend and what you did together. Or you might recount a holiday somewhere. To get your mind running, here are some of the things you might use as the basis for an autobiographical account:
For most of these activities, remember you’re not just talking about what you did, but your personal reaction - did you enjoy it or hate it?
Development is probably one of the best areas for autobiographical accounts, because all of these activities were meant to shape you in some way.
Family and personal experiences are both good and bad with regards to autobiographical stuff. They’re good because they are sometimes the most powerful. They’re bad because often they’re not suitable to write about - you may not want to reveal something that is so close and personal to you.
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