The question mark

Question marks are used at the end of a sentence to indicate to the reader that it is a direct question:
Why are you withdrawing all your money?
Reported questions, however, don’t use a question mark, they just use a period:
Your father will ask you why you are withdrawing all your money.
This sentence is a reported or indirect question because you’re talking about how someone else is asking something. You’re reporting on a question being asked by someone else.
Rhetorical questions require a question mark at the end of the sentence, even though they aren’t actually searching for an answer:
Why, oh why does this have to happen to me?
Statements that have been turned into questions also need question marks:
I’m going to get to the race nice and early; you will too?
The first part of the sentence is just a statement saying that you’re going to get to the race early, but the ‘you will too?’ at the end turns it into a question.
A question mark at the end of a sentence means that you don’t need a period as well.
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