Mr and Mrs Smith
This table contains some common abbreviations, contractions, and initialisms. Abbreviations have the first and possibly other letters of the original word in them but not the last letter, and end in a full stop. Contractions have the first and sometimes other letters of the original word but have no full stop after them. Initialisms are words made up of the initial letters of the original words and possibly other letters in them, and have no full stops.
Abbreviations before a name |
Abbreviations after a name |
Mr (singular) and Messrs (plural) |
Sr |
Mrs |
Jr |
Ms |
Esq. |
Dr |
PhD |
St |
BA |
Prof. |
MA |
Rep. |
Rev. |
Hon. |
If you’re writing a proper essay, then you usually don’t use abbreviations like Mr or Mrs. Instead, refer to people by their last name.
Mr Jason Mewing has written many controversial books. |
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Usually, people will just use their last name and ditch the title abbreviation ‘Mr’:
Mewing has written many controversial books. |
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