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Writing from your personal experiences

Just about all narrative essays are based somewhat on personal experiences. The best thing about a narrative essay, however, is that you can improvise as much as you want. For instance, you might know of someone who was busted for drink driving by the police. They didn’t have a car crash or anything - they were just random breath tested by the police on their way home from Friday night drinks after work.

Boring, and not particularly powerful or interesting. So change it! You can write a narrative essay with a very different set of events - but still inspired by this event. You might write a narrative essay about a successful businessperson, who, after Friday night drinks, stupidly decides to drive home, crashes into a another car carrying schoolchildren , and kills two of them. Now you’ve got a much more powerful story - there’s drink driving and deaths of young innocents in the story.

You can now easily turn this into a powerful narrative essay, with the point that drink driving can destroy and wreck lives.