Typical format
All scripts need a title of some sort. Make sure yours does. At the beginning of the script, you need to list the cast, usually in order of appearance, sometimes with a brief description of their character.
Before each scene, you need to write a small introduction describing the setting, the characters involved, and what’s happening. Sometimes there are a few words in brackets at the start of each scene that ‘set the scene’. Often the scene itself will start with a few words from a narrator that set the scene for the audience, or offer some insight into some aspect of the scene or characters.
The dialogue itself is split into a two-column format - the left column has the character names and the right column has what each character says. There’s no need for quotation marks. Actions and sound effects - in fact, any general stage instructions - can be inserted at the appropriate point in the dialogue by using parentheses and italic text. The present tense should be used for these instructions.
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